2025 UCON Golf Open - Sponsorship
Condor Sponsor: $7,000 - EXCLUSIVE
- 8 event tickets
- Company logo on sponsorship banner
- Company logo on all tee flags
- Opportunity to host a booth on the course to meet and greet all players and giveaway company swag
- 1 tee sign with the company logo on the course
- Company logo on lunchbox (shared with lunchbox sponsors)
Giveaway Sponsor: $5,000 - EXCLUSIVE
- Opportunity to giveaway swag
- 1 tee sign with the company logo on the course
Albatross Sponsor: $5,000 - (Sold Out) THANK YOU, Southern California District Council of Laborers!
- 4 event tickets
- Company logo displayed on all golf carts
- Company logo on sponsorship banner
- 1 tee sign with the company logo on the course
Scorecard Sponsor: $4,000 – EXCLUSIVE
- 2 event tickets
- Company logo on the scorecard
- Company logo on sponsorship banner
- 1 tee sign with the company logo on the course
Water Bottle Sponsor: $4,000 – EXCLUSIVE
- 2 event tickets
- Company logo on water bottle given to each player in golf cart
- Company logo on sponsorship banner
- 1 tee sign with the company logo on the course
Longest Drive Sponsor: $3,000 – EXCLUSIVE
- Company logo displayed at Longest Drive hole
- Opportunity to host a booth on the course to meet and greet all players and giveaway company swag
- 1 tee sign with the company logo on the course
Closest to the Pin Sponsor: $3,000 – EXCLUSIVE
- Company logo displayed at sponsored hole
- Opportunity to host a booth at Hole #10 on the course to meet and greet all players and giveaway company swag
- 1 tee sign with the company logo on the course
Taco and Tides Sponsor: $3,000 - EXCLUSIVE
- Company logo displayed at sponsored hole
- Opportunity to host a booth at Hole # 7 on the course to meet and greet all players and giveaway company swag
- 1 tee sign with the company logo on the course
Potato Bar Sponsor: $3,000 - EXCLUSIVE
- Company logo displayed at sponsored hole
- Opportunity to host a booth at Hole #4 on the course to meet and greet all players and giveaway company swag
- 1 tee sign with the company logo on the course
Marshmallow Contest Sponsor: $3,000 - EXCLUSIVE
- Company logo displayed at sponsored hole
- Opportunity to host a booth at Hole #14 on the course to meet and greet all players and giveaway company swag
- 1 tee sign with the company logo on the course
Bag Tag Sponsor: $2,000 – 2 AVAILABLE
- 2 event tickets
- Company logo on golf bag tags
Tee/Green Sponsor: $1,000
- Company logo displayed on the course
Lunchbox Sponsor: $750 - 5 AVAILABLE
- Company logo on all lunchbox stickers
Sponsorship Policy: Sponsorship is available to UCON members and partners only. Please be advised that sponsorships for each event will close 3 weeks prior to the scheduled date. We encourage interested parties to submit their sponsorship requests and company logos in a timely manner to ensure inclusion in the event. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.