
Professional & Leadership Development

United Contractors enhances member professional development, increasing capacity and elevating the industry.

  • March 06, 2025 2:30pm  -  4:30pm PST
  • Busting Imposter Syndrome: A Workshop for Construction Industry Professionals

    *Bonus Included - Details below
    Busting Imposter Syndrome: A Workshop for Construction Industry Professionals

    This workshop will provide construction professionals with a practical understanding of 'Imposter Syndrome' and its impact on their professional and personal lives.

    Participants will gain valuable insights into the causes and manifestations of Imposter Syndrome, and leave with actionable strategies to overcome self-doubt and cultivate greater confidence. 

  • March 11, 2025 12:00pm  -  1:00pm PDT
  • PLAs, Pre-Jobs, & Jurisdictional Disputes

    PLAs, Pre-Jobs, & Jurisdictional Disputes

    Love them or hate them, PLAs are an increasingly common feature of the industry and one that contractors need to get more sophisticated at to survive. If you or your organization is not confident in how to navigate PLAs, you’re not alone. UCON can show you how through this short training that will teach participants how to quickly read and interpret PLAs, anticipate issues, and effectively maneuver through targeted hiring and other requirements.