As a member of the Associate Committee, you have agreed to take on certain responsibilities.  The role that you play on the committee has a great impact on the overall success of the United Contractors and the industry and most importantly the value of your membership.  It is understood that the position you have accepted is not mandatory and is on a volunteer basis.  By volunteering to be on this committee, you are agreeing and committing to fulfill the responsibilities as a member and/or to seek assistance from a UCON staff liaison or Associate Director when you are unable to do so.

The success of this committee depends on each member’s integrity to fulfill their duties. By signing this commitment, you acknowledge your role as an Associate Committee member for the United Contractors.

I commit:

  1. To volunteer at a minimum of one event per calendar year.

  2. To attend a minimum of 33% of committee meetings.  If I am unable to attend a meeting, I promise to notify the UCON staff liaison of my absence to learn the outcome of the meeting and any responsibilities I have as a result.
    (Attendance will be evaluated at the end of the year by the Associate Directors to determine committee membership status.  I understand that if I attend less than 33% of the meetings, I will be removed from the committee.)

  3. To preserve the confidentiality of information in my committee role as I will be exposed to large amounts of information UCON considers to be confidential which may be of financial, business, or personal nature. It may also be in regards to persons, companies, staff, competitors, and or others. It is vital that any confidential information not be breached for any reason at any time.

  4. To invite a minimum of one potential contractor member per calendar year to a UCON event.

  5. To respect the personal and professional demands on my fellow volunteers.

  6. To offer a solution to any problem about which I express a concern. 

  7. To ask for guidance, assistance and/or clarity if needed for any task I am assigned.

  8. To be in full, open and honest communication and to do so in a responsible way.

  9. To acknowledge and respect the contributions, talents, efforts and dignity of every single committee member.

