Transforming a Follower To a Leader

  • May 07, 2024 12:00pm  -  1:00pm PDT
  • Leadership is not a title, but a way of being!

    Transforming a follower into a leader is a strategic journey that demands a focused commitment to personal and professional growth. We have crystallized this journey into four developmental stages marked by consistent growth curves. As we move from unconscious incompetence, or being a novice, to the flow phase of unconscious competence we must not only learn new hard skills but deepen our character so that we are increasingly trusted to carry the weight of leadership. The development of character is difficult to measure but of paramount importance for becoming the type of leader who can influence change and create confidence. This workshop will provide you with a simple framework to map this journey and invite each participant to take radical ownership of how they can choose to grow in whatever phase they find themselves in. 

    What You Will Learn

    • Understanding the four core phases of the Leadership Square to facilitate the follower-to-leader journey.
    • Evaluating where you are in your own journey of leadership development.
    • Identifying and committing to next steps to move you on to the next phase of your development.
    • Promoting a culture of leadership and continuous growth within teams and organizations. 

    Target Audience



    Cody Miller, Elevate Performance

    2024 Annual Education Sponsors

    2024 Annual Education Sponsors