UCON Service Spotlight: Company-Tailored Trainings

In 2023, UCON began offering company-specific trainings on the most common, costly, and challenging issues our contractors face. The offering was a hit—18 companies requested over 40 training sessions that over 400 employees participated in.

Due to this resounding success, we’ve decided to expand our training offerings, all of which are made available in-person or via Zoom free of charge to UCON members. In fact, more than 10 companies are already signed up for our “lunch and learn series,” which covers all six (6) training modules across three (3) one-hour sessions.

The objectives of these trainings, while simple, offer extraordinary results. Imagine your entire team, from estimators to project managers to payroll, using the same best practices that reduce liability and cost while increasing your bottom line; picture changing compliance nightmares like using Skilled & Trained Workforce or onerous PLA provisions into competitive advantages; consider what it would mean if your team could easily navigate the dispatch system, hiring, lay-offs, and terminations.

Get your team leveled up in these areas—sign up for a training today! Reach out to VP of Labor Relations Victor Sella at (510) 362-6959.

UCON Company-Tailored Training Modules: 

  • Mastering CBA Subcontracting Rules (N. CA or S. CA)
  • Everything You Need to Know: Skilled & Trained Workforce
  • Overtime & Special Shift Rules (N. CA or S. CA)
  • Dispatch / Hiring / Lay-off / Terminations Rules & Best Practices
  • Mastering PLAs
  • Mastering Pre-Jobs & Jurisdictional Disputes

Also, make sure to sign up for these classes from our 2024 UCON Education Catalog:

  • Mastering the Workers' Comp Maze: Expert Strategies for Success (5/16/24)
  • How to Harness Your Union Agreement against PAGA and Legal Claims (2/27/24)