
Labor Executive Committee


UCON’s Labor Executive & Craft Committees are the leadership bodies that set strategy and policy for labor relations statewide as well as drive our partnering programs with the unions to address industry issues such as the skilled labor shortage, industry regulations, and union market share. Committee members can volunteer to negotiate our collective bargaining agreements. Access to the craft committees is limited to contractors who assigned their bargaining rights to United Contractors.

LEC & Craft Committee Leadership Diagram

Interested in learning more about joining UCON craft committees?

- UCON (S. CA) - Craft Committee Membership Overview

- UCON (N. CA) - Craft Committee Membership Overview


Louis (LJ) Fisher III, Cell-Crete Corp.
Brandon Pensick, Ferreira Construction Co. 
Maizer Ouijdani, Gonsalves & Santucci, Inc. dba The Conco Companies
Catherine  Moncada, Granite Construction Company
Steve Clark, Granite Construction Company
Brendan Slagle, J. F. Shea Construction Company, Inc. 
Kurt Eddy, Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc.
Tony Naranjo, Rascom Group
Ricardo Sepulveda, Veteran Pipeline Construction


Andy Vasconi, Casey-Fogli Concrete Contractors, Inc.
Rich Gates, DeSilva Gates Construction
Dermot Fallon, Foundation Constructors, Inc. 
David Riccitiello, Golden State Bridge, Inc.
Steve Clark, Granite Construction Company
Catherine Moncada, Granite Construction Company
Brian Gardner, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Kevin Hester, McGuire and Hester
Kurt Kniffin, Stacy Witbeck
Donna Rehrmann, Stomper Company, Inc.
Dave Greco, Teichert Construction
Randy Jenco, Viking Construction Company



Alan Guy, Anvil Builders
Chris DellAringa, Blue Iron Foundations & Shoring LLC
Bryn Burke, Dees Burke Engineering Constructors, LLC
Ashley Mahaffey, Tullius Don H. Mahaffey Drilling Co.
Henry Barber, Doty Bros. Equipment Co. dba Doty Bros. Construction Co.
Maizer Ouijdani, Gonsalves & Santucci, Inc. dba The Conco Companies 
Steve Clark, Granite Construction Company
Catherine Moncada, Granite Construction Company
Gerrad Gerber, Haldeman Homme, Inc.
Matt Lovingier, JMH Engineering and Construction, Inc.
Katie Williams, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Matt Scott, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Tanya Stukes, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Tony Naranjo, Rascom Group
Matt Kuzmick, Stacy Witbeck
Bill Boyd, Sully-Miller Contracting Company
Tom Gibson, Toro Enterprises, Inc.
Ahron Valverde, Valverde Construction 


LJ Fisher III, Cell-Crete Corporation
Bryn Burke, Dees Burke Engineering Constructors, LLC
Steve  Clark, Granite Construction Company
Catherine Moncada, Granite Construction Company
Tony Naranjo, Rascom Group
Ahron Valverde, Valverde Construction 


Alan Guy, Anvil Builders
Kellie Avila, Avila Traffic Safety
Susan Burke, C&W Construction Specialties, Inc.
LJ (Louis)Fisher, Cell-Crete Corporation
Bryn Burke, Dees Burke Engineering Constructors, LLC
Brandon Pensick, Ferriera Construction Co. Inc. dba Ferreira Coastal Construction Co. 
Rita Vigil-Ferguson, G & F Concrete Cutting, Inc. 
Maizer Ouidjani, Gonsalves & Santucci, Inc. dba The Conco Companies
Catherine Moncada, Granite Construction Company
Steve Clark, Granite Construction Company
Brendan Slagle, J.F. Shea Construction Company, Inc. 
Matt Lovingier, JMH Engineering and Construction, Inc.
Gary Castro, KRC Safety Co., Inc.
Caleb Haus, KRC Safety Co., Inc.
Dave Sorem, Mike Bubalo Construction Company
Mike Prlich, Mike Prlich & Sons
Mladen Buntich Jr., Mladen Buntich Construction
Rickey Arslanian, Mountain Cascade, Inc.
Garrett Francis, Guardian Traffic Solutions
Tony Naranjo, Rascom Group
Matt Kuzmick, Stacy Witbeck
Lori Ceballos, Statewide Traffic Safety and Signs, Inc. 
Dave Greco, Teichert Construction
Sean Castillo, Toro Enterprises, Inc
Fernando Soriano, Traffic Management, Inc. (TMI)
Ahron Valverde, Valverde Construction 
Ricardo Sepulveda, Veteran Pipeline Construction


Jim Maddox, American Landscape Inc.
Gary Peterson, American Landscape, Inc.
Vince Germann, BrightView Landscape Development, Inc.
Tom Kuehn, BrightView Landscape Development, Inc.
Paul Moralez, Diversified Landscape
Vicki Moralez, Diversified Landscape
Bob Cowan, Marina Landscape, Inc.
John Richards, Pacific Restoration Group
Jim Tracy, Park West Rescom, Inc.
Sarah Gallagher, Park West Rescom, Inc.
Monty Khouri, Pierre Landscape
Trent Hill, Pierre Landscape
Eric Barnett, RCB & Sons, Inc.
Brett Brennan, Urban Habitat


Steve Fleener, Cal Stripe Inc. 
Jake Chrisp, Chrisp Company
Robert Chrisp, Chrisp Company
Dave Morris, Chrisp Company
Billy Miller, InfraStripe LLC
James Wu, Pavement Coatings Co
Bill Jacobs, WGJ Enterprises, Inc., dba PCI
Dave Preston, Safety Striping Service, Inc.
Chip Sterndahl, Sterndahl Enterprises, Inc.
Brenda Hampton-Ortiz, Super Seal & Stripe
Jasmine Gongora, Super Seal & Stripe
Robert Garcia, Superior Pavement Marking
Darren Veltz, Superior Pavement Markings


Alan Guy, Anvil Builders
Chris DellAringa, Blue Iron Foundations & Shoring LLC
Robert Schneider, Dees Burke Engineering Constructors, LLC
Ashley Mahaffey Tullius, Don H. Mahaffey Drilling Co.
Brandon Pensick, Ferriera Construction Co. Inc. dba Ferreira Coastal Construction Co. 
Maizer Ouijdani, Gonsalves & Santucci, Inc. dba The Conco Companies
Rita Vigil-Ferguson, G & F Concrete Cutting, Inc. 
Steve Clark, Granite Construction Company
Catherine Moncada, Granite Construction Company
Brendan Slagle, J.F. Shea Construction Company, Inc. 
Matt Lovingier, JMH Engineering and Construction, Inc.
Steve McFadden, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Tanya Stukes, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Katie Williams, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Dave Sorem, Mike Bubalo Construction Company
Michael Prlich, Mike Prlich & Sons
Mladen Buntich Jr., Mladen Buntich Construction
Rickey Arslanian, Mountain Cascade, Inc.
Jennifer Duncan, Mr. Crane, Inc.
Garrett Francis, NorCal Pipeline Services
Rick Andreatos, Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc.
Kurt Eddy, Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc.
Matt Kuzmick, Stacy Witbeck
Jenna Carlson, Teichert Construction
Dave Greco, Teichert Construction
Byron Loney, Teichert Construction
Sean Castillo, Toro Enterprises, Inc.
Ahron Valverde, Valverde Construction 


Brandon Pensick, Ferreira Construction Co. Inc. 
Catherine Moncada, Granite Construction Company
Brendan Slagle, J. F. Shea Construction Company, Inc. 



Alan Guy, Anvil Builders
Dan Baker, Bridgeway Civil Constructors, Inc. 
Gabe Farncroft, Bridgeway Civil Constructors, Inc. 
Wahid Tadros, California Engineering Contractors, Inc.
Andy Vasconi, Casey-Fogli Concrete Contractors
Todd Majors, DMZ Builders
David Riccitiello, Golden State Bridge, Inc.
Catherine Moncada, Granite Construction Company
Steve Clark, Granite Construction Company
Rusty Hoseley, Hoseley Corporation
Alejandro Murillo, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
John Franich, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
Brian Gardner, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Ethan Brand, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Matt Scott, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Ted Landavazo, Landavazo Bros, Inc.
Richard Lemus, Robert A. Bothman
Randy Jenco, Viking Construction Company


Mike Bauman, Bauman Landscape and Construction, Inc.
Jonathan Vasquez, Bay Area Concretes, Inc.
Anthony Fadelli, Berkeley Cement, Inc.
Ron Fadelli, Berkeley Cement, Inc.
Gabe Farncroft, Bridgeway Civil Constructors, Inc.
Andy Vasconi, Casey-Fogli Concrete Contractors, Inc.
Louis "LJ" Fisher, Cell-Crete Corporation 
Marco Ramirez, DeHaro Ramirez Group
Todd Majors, DMZ Builders
Ray Duran, Duran Construction Group
Hal Stober, Gordon N. Ball, Inc.
Catherine Moncada, Granite Construction Company
Shirley Ow, Graniterock
Fernando Ramirez, Innovate Concrete
Ramon Ramirez, Innovate Concrete
John Franich, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
Alejandro Murillo, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
Kevin Albanese, KJA Consulting
Rod Getty, Knife River Construction - Stockton 
Ted Landavazo, Landavazo Bros, Inc.
Rod Maher, R.E. Maher Inc.
Sean Sinclair, Sinclair General Engineering Construction, Inc.
Jenna Carlson, Teichert Construction
Dave Greco, Teichert Construction
Byron Loney, Teichert Construction
Clark Hulbert, Teichert Construction
Chris Barkley, Teichert Construction


Alan Guy, Anvil Builders
Jim Alvey, Appian Engineering, Inc.
Juan C. Arrequin, Bay Line Cutting & Coring, Inc.
Andrew Bader, Bear Electrical Solutions, Inc.
Daniel Fadelli, Berkeley Cement, Inc. (BCI)
LJ Fisher, Cell-Crete Corporation
Kim Sabin, Columbia Electric, Inc.
Gerrod Scruggs, Columbia Electric, Inc.
Todd Majors, DMZ Builders
Dean Salinas, DeSilva Gates Construction
Ray Duran, Duran Construction
Mike Ghilotti, Ghilotti Bros., Inc.
Greg Goebel Jr., Goebel Construction, Inc.
Steve Clark, Granite Construction Company
Catherine Moncada, Granite Construction Company
Shirley Ow, Granite Rock Corporate Headquarters
Bill Miller, Graniterock
Kevin Hester, McGuire and Hester
Jake Creger, Mozingo Construction, Inc.
Fernando Ramirez, Innovate Concrete
Ramon Ramirez, Innovate Concrete
Phil Albanese, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
John Franich, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
Alejandro Murillo, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
Rod Getty, Knife River Construction - Stockton 
Ted Landavazo, Landavazo Brothers, Inc.
Peter Worhunsky, Sequoia Civil
Felipe Martin, Martin Brothers Construction Inc.
Jim Troup, Monterey Mechanical Co. 
John Moffat, MCK Services, Inc.
Christi Plum, PC&N Construction Inc.
Ron Bianchini, Preston Pipelines, Inc.
Jordan Thomas, Preston Pipelines, Inc.
Miguel Lemus, Ray's Electric
Brian Bothman, Robert A. Bothman Construction
Douglas Benton, Sierra Mountain Construction, Inc. 
Sean Sinclair, Sinclair General Engineering Construction, Inc.
Kurt Kniffin, Stacy Witbeck
Joe Rehrmann, Stomper Company, Inc.
Donna Rehrmann, Stomper Company, Inc.
Chris Barkley, Teichert Construction
Dave Greco, Teichert Construction
Clark Hulbert, Teichert Construction
Jenna Carlson, Teichert Construction
Byron Loney, Teichert Construction
Adam Thompson, Trademark Concrete Systems, Inc. 
George Bradshaw, Underground Construction, Co.
Ray Lemen, Underground Construction, Co.
Monty Richmond, Underground Construction, Co.
Randy Jenco, Viking Construction
Ken Kreischer, Western Water Constructors, Inc.


Dan Harper, BrightView Landscape Development, Inc.
Tomas Kuehn, BrightView Landscape Development, Inc.
Jeff Colton, Jensen Landscape Contractor, LLC
Kevin Carlson, Marina Landscape, Inc.
Bob Cowan, Marina Landscape, Inc.
Matt Daley, McGuire and Hester
Jim Tracy, Park West Rescom, Inc.
Sarah Gallagher, Park West Rescom, Inc.
Lane Poms, Poms Landscaping, Inc.
Bill Ayers, WMA Landscape Construction Inc.


Kellie Avila, Avila Traffic Safety
Mike Avila, Avila Traffic Safety
Billy Miller, BC Traffic Specialist
Anthony Cozzo, City Rise Inc. (DBA City Rise Traffic)
Mariano Pacheco, City Rise Inc. (DBA City Rise Traffic)
Dave Sherman, Capital Barricade
Tom Breault, Centerline Striping Co. Inc.
Eleanor Hall, Centerline Striping Co. Inc.
Geri Lesniewski, Central Striping Service, Inc.
James Lesniewski, Central Striping Service, Inc.
Jake Chrisp, Chrisp Company
Robert Chrisp, Chrisp Company
Dave Morris, Chrisp Company
Mike Moore, Compass Engineering Contractors, Inc.
Jeff Pike, Derrickson Pike
John Ashe, Farwest Safety
Gary Castro, KRC Safety Co., Inc.
Caleb Haus, KRC Safety Co., Inc.
Dave Preston, Safety Striping
Ron  Johnson, Sierra Traffic Markings
Jon  Lang, Statewide Safety Systems
Lori Ceballos, Statewide Traffic Safety and Signs
Chip Sterndahl, Sterndahl Enterprises, Inc.
Tony Lane, Striping Graphics
Jasmine Gongora, Super Seal and Stripe
Brenda  Hampton-Ortiz, Super Seal and Stripe
Carlos Moreno, The Traffic Guys LLC
Everardo Rodriguez, The Traffic Guys LLC
Jeff  Pike, Total Traffic Control Inc.
Fernando Soriano, Traffic Management Inc.
Mike Scott, Traffic Management, Inc. (TMI)
Wally Stillwell, Traffic Management, Inc. (TMI)
Ed Ibanez, Western Traffic Supply

Operating Engineers Local 3 MLA Committee (N. CA)

Alan Guy, Anvil Builders
Jim Alvey, Appian Engineering, Inc.
Daniel Rodriguez, Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc.
Daniel Fadelli, Berkeley Cement
Gabe Farncroft, Bridgeway Civil Constructors, Inc.
Kim Sabin, Columbia Electric, Inc.
Mike Gates, DeSilva Gates Construction, LLC
Dean Salinas, DeSilva Gates Construction, LLC
Rich Gates, DeSilva Gates Construction
Todd Majors, DMZ Builders
Clay Carlson, Ghilotti Bros., Inc.
Greg Goebel Jr., Goebel Construction, Inc.
Dennis Frantzen, Goodfellow Bros., Inc
Frank Williams, Goodfellow Bros., Inc
Steve Clark, Granite Construction Company
Catherine Moncada, Granite Construction Company
Shirley Ow, Graniterock
Tom Squeri, Graniterock
Daniel Wanner, Hoseley Corp.
Andy Paulazzo, Interstate Concrete Pumping Co. Inc.
Phil Albanese, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
John Franich, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
Kevin Albanese, KJA Consulting
Brandon Risso, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Jeff Ford, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Brian Gardner, Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Rod Getty, Knife River Construction - Stockton 
Rene Vercruyssen, Knife River Construction - Chico
Kevin Carlson, Marina Landscape, Inc.
Felipe Martin, Martin Brothers Construction Inc.
Kevin Hester, McGuire and Hester
John Moffat, MCK Services, Inc.
Roger Williamson, Mountain Cascade, Inc.
Tony Batista, Mountain Cascade, Inc.
Jake Creger, Mozingo Construction, Inc.
Brett Kincaid, O'Grady Paving, Inc.
Kurt Eddy, Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc.
Rick Andreatos, Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc.
Steve Concannon, Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc.
Jordan Thomas, Preston Pipelines, Inc.
Chris Ramos, Preston Pipelines, Inc.
Ron Bianchini, Preston Pipelines, Inc.
Miguel Lemus, Ray's Electric
Jorge Arias, Robert A. Bothman Construction
Mike Mattivi, Security Paving Company, Inc.
Doug Benton, Sierra Mountain Construction, Inc.
Sean Sinclair, Sinclair General Engineering Construction, Inc.
Kurt Kniffin, Stacy Witbeck
Jeff Peel, Steve P. Rados, Inc. - Sacramento
Sharon Alberts, Talus Construction
Clark Hulbert, Teichert Construction
Chris Barkley, Teichert Construction
Jenna Carlson, Teichert Construction
Dave Greco, Teichert Construction
Byron Loney, Teichert Construction
Steve Lydon, TerraCon Constructors, Inc.
George Bradshaw, Underground Construction, Co.
Ray Lemen, Underground Construction, Co.
Osama Martell, Walsh Construction Company II, LLC


Andy Vasconi, Casey-Fogli Concrete Contractors
Art Fink, CF&T Concrete Pumping, Inc
Andy Paulazzo, Interstate Concrete Pumping Co
John Franich, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.
Kevin Albanese, KJA Consulting
Mario Luka, The Conco Companies 


Mike Bauman, Bauman Landscape & Construction, Inc.
Marlo Manqueros, Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc.
Fred Biagini, Ghilotti Bros., Inc.
Steve Clark, Granite Construction Company
Catherine Moncada, Granite Construction Company
Kevin Hester, McGuire and Hester
Jenna Carlson, Teichert Construction
Dave Greco, Teichert Construction
Byron Loney, Teichert Construction


Gabe Farncroft, Bridgeway Civil Constructors, Inc.
Wahid Tadros, California Engineering Contractors, Inc.
John Bryne, Drill Tech Drilling & Shoring / Stroer & Graff
Richard Williams, DRS Marine
Dermot Fallon, Foundation Constructors, Inc. 
Dylan Honaker, Foundation Constructors, Inc. 
John Honaker, Foundation Constructors, Inc. 
Dan Pierson, Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
Fred Foster, Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
David Riccitiello, Golden State Bridge, Inc.
Jeremy "Albe" Albert, J.F. Brennan Company, Inc.
Jeff Terai, J.F. Brennan Company, Inc.
Wayne Stonecipher, Power Engineering Construction Co.
Tom Belcher, Underwater Resources, Inc.
Chris Levesque, Underwater Resources, Inc.
Blaise Fettig, Vortex Marine Construction, Inc.