The Art of Supportive Leadership

  • June 06, 2023 2:30pm  -  4:00pm PDT
  • People rarely leave an organization; they leave their manager. Nearly all of us have worked for a poor manager at some point in our careers. And most of us have worked for a great one. The difference is night and day, especially for your most creative, productive employees. Learn proven approaches for inspiring the best from your staff and colleagues through the principles of supportive leadership.

    What You Will Learn

    • Don't waste time wishing employees were different. Instead, help them move to the top end of their range of performance
    • Set priorities in a way that doesn't feel deflating or impossible for staff to achieve
    • Sensitively relate to a wide range of personality types, especially those who are different from you
    • Exercise discipline and consequences through clearer upfront communication with employees
    • Learn methods for communicating with subordinates that encourage and develop the best in them

    Target Audience

    Leaders and influencers


    David Gamow, Clarity Seminars