Representing Union Contractors

Stacy and Witbeck, Inc. - 6th Street

Labor Relations & HR Solutions

Labor Relations is the foundation of United Contractors, and more than 470 union-signatory contractors turn to us for solutions. We get results.

Our members are our mission. When you have a problem, we are here to help. Let our experienced and dedicated Labor & Member Services (LMS) Team help you.

  • Resolving grievances and labor disputes,
  • Negotiating collective bargaining agreements,
  • Advising on HR, legal, and payroll issues,
  • Navigating prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements, 
  • Guidance via our Labor Relations experts. 

“The support we receive from UCON gives us confidence that our policies and communications comply with government and union regulations.”

- Jenette Jimenez, Preston Pipelines

Our Labor Relations and HR Solutions for members include industry-leading services: 

Connect to Expert Help

Have a question? We have answers for:

  • Union payroll and trust fund contributions, certified payroll reports
  • Contract interpretation of union agreements (shift work, subcontracting, holidays, etc.)
  • Prevailing wage law compliance
  • Apprentice manning and public works apprentice requirements
  • Hiring, discipline, and termination
  • Substance abuse policies

Visit the Contractor Resources Library

Grievances, Hearings, & Arbitrations

United Contractors is your trusted advocate for any grievances filed against you. We will always first try to settle the grievance and are often able to facilitate settlements through informal meetings and/or telephone conferences. If a settlement cannot be reached, we will represent you at Board of Adjustment and Arbitration hearings.


Contractors join United Contractors for collective bargaining negotiations with one or more unions. United Contractors' Labor Committee is the strategic planning group for all of the association's labor-related policies and activities. These committee members make up the contract negotiation teams during the collective bargaining process with the Unions.

Pre-Job Conferences

Most union agreements require a pre-job conference prior to starting a sizeable job. Resolving potential jurisdictional and subcontracting issues ahead of time makes jobs go smoothly. We can help set these up, and facilitate if needed.

Organizing Agreements

United Contractors requires all of our contractor members to be signatory to at least one of the construction crafts we have agreements with. We are happy to discuss union affiliation with companies who are considering it, and we can also help facilitate the organizing process. This includes companies who decide to add another craft to their existing union workforce.

Trust Fund Audits

All union contractors will go through trust fund audits at various times. Call us if you have any concerns, or need assistance getting an audit settled or dealing with any other trust fund issues – the sooner you call us, the sooner we can help you.