Crisis Response

Crisis Response

How to Respond to a Critical Incident

Your company's initial response to a critical incident is crucial to your employees and your business. United Contractors has developed an easy, 3 Phase Checklist to help you navigate your company in the event of a crisis.

Download poster and distribute to your teams.

Phase 1: 1st Hour

Immediate Crisis Scenario

Policies/Procedures for the FIRST HOUR after a critical incident has occurred.

  • Call 911 if anyone is injured or other emergency personnel are needed.
    • Administer First Aid and/or CPR if needed. 
    • Secure the site.
    • Senior staff member(s) on site must take action to stabilize situation.
    • Call first responders as soon as possible. Don't try to do it yourself.
  • Contact necessary personnel to inform them of the incident:
  • Designate a spokesperson.
    • Remind all employees to refer any media personnel to the one designated spokesperson only. See Messages to the Media for suggested response statements.  Inform internal staff members to field other incoming calls or refer to the appropriate company contact above, including regulatory and enforcement agencies, city officials, legal counsel, concerned family of non-involved employees, etc.
  • Identify immediate danger from:
    • Fire
    • Gas
    • Structural Collapse
    • Water Leaks
    • *Other (This includes damage to existing facilities, adjacent facilities, other private or public property, and any other persons related.

Phase 2: In 24 Hours

Investigation & Follow-Up Policies/Procedures for the FIRST 24 HOURS after a critical incident has occurred.

  • Limit media and sightseer presence.
    • Close gates, secure equipment according to access requirements, block areas with caution tape and/or barricades
  • Run a thorough fact finding investigation.
    • Take photographs.
    • Establish who was involved and what work task was being performed. Write down names and contact information of witnesses.
    • Interview multiple employees while details are fresh.
    • Have at least two company representatives present during the investigation.
  • Send home all uninvolved employees.
    • Remind your employees that the only media contact is the company's one designated spokesperson.
  • Contact the family of the injured worker(s).
    • The initial contact serves to inform simply and directly. Make sure to follow these three guidelines: general, details, notify. Help arrange childcare services or transportation to the hospital. A company representative should remain present at the hospital until the situation has diffused.
  • Contact United Contractors to assist with media relations and other crisis response issues. 

Phase 3: Next 10 Days

Grievance Counseling & Informing Employees

Policies/Procedures for the FIRST 10 DAYS after a critical incident has occurred.

  • Log all communications regarding the incident.
    • This includes emails, agencies contacted, list of witnesses, reports and claims, etc
  • Contact a crisis management response specialist.
    • Establish group briefings, consultations, 24/7 onsite and telephonic support.
    • Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA)
  • Distribute trauma and stress forms to all involved employees. Encourage participation.
    • Mitigate the potential long term emotional impact.
  • Contact the family of the injured worker(s).
    • Send condolences, offer support, and establish staff representation for memorial/funeral service or hospital visit.

Crisis Response Resources